Serve the Church
Want to be more involved in the day-to-day activities of the church?
There are so many ways to participate! See our Community Outreach page to see the many opportunities to serve outside our walls. Read below to see the many ways you can help within our walls.
We are always looking for folks interested in joining the altar guild and setting up for worship; taking a leadership role in Sunday services by reading, being an acolyte, or ushering; extending hospitality and facilitating fellowship; caring for members of the parish who are sick or in need; and/or helping take care of the buildings and grounds.
Altar Guild
Would you like to learn more about our church traditions and their symbolism? Then the Altar Guild may be for you! The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for all services, keeps the linens and vestments cleaned and pressed, ensures the Eucharistic vessels are polished and shining, and oversees the decoration of the sanctuary with fresh flowers.
Worship Assistants
Are you drawn to serving on the altar? Being at the center of the liturgy on Sunday mornings? The word "liturgy" is derived from two Greek words meaning "work of the people." Simply by showing up and being present to God, all who gather for worship – young, old, and every age in between – are participants in the liturgy of the Church. However many folks help out in more specific ways by serving as crucifers, torch bearers and acolytes, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and ushers. These worship leaders are scheduled on a rotating basis, but usually serve in some capacity once a month.
Coffee Hour and Parish Meals/Events
If hospitality is your calling, consider hosting coffee hour. For the most part, volunteers simply make coffee, provide a small assortment of sweet and savory treats, and clean up afterwards. More information and instructions are posted on the refrigerator in the parish kitchen. Many folks find pairing up with a friend in the church the best way to host a coffee hour.
The Saint Clement community knows how to have fun and enjoy one another’s company. We are always looking for help with other events and parties such as the annual pancake supper, the Halloween party, the Christmas party, parish teas, summer picnics and, of course, our annual parish weekend at Shrine Mont.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is an important aspect of our life together. At our Baptism, we promise to "seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves." This love becomes manifest as we pray and care for those in the parish community who require a helping hand, a listening ear, or an experience of the sacred. Pastoral care volunteers serve as Lay Eucharistic Visitors, provide rides to and from church or medical appointments, prepare meals for new parents or individuals who are recovering from surgery, and/or send cards to the sick or homebound.
Building & Grounds
Have a green thumb? Enjoy the outdoors? The flora of Saint Clement could use your help! You may have noticed the many gardens around our property. Each one requires care and upkeep. We are always looking for folks to plant, weed and trim our flowers, trees and bushes. We contract with an outside company to mow the lawn and remove leaves. However, watering, weeding and tending are done voluntarily with compassionate hands.
Our building is strong and sturdy, however, there are always things we need to repair, strengthen and improve over time. If you have experience in painting, decorating, organizing or general maintenance we would love to have your help in taking care of our space – and ensuring we have a beautiful, safe, and welcoming building for use by all.
Christmas Trees
Have we mentioned the Christmas tree sales? For over twenty years, we have transformed the parish grounds into a festive Christmas tree lot during the month of December. Volunteers are needed each year to help set up the lot, unload the trees, advertise the sale, sell the trees, write receipts, and close the lot each night. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and is a great way to meet new people, help the church, and get ready for Christmas. Details for the annual sale become available every November.
Questions or sign-ups? Contact the Parish Office for details: