Supporting our Mission
Financial stewardship is a vital contribution to our ministry. All funds given support both our mission within the church and efforts in the wider community. Contributions are tax-deductible. There are many ways to give:
Mail - Offerings can be made by check and sent directly to Saint Clement: the Episcopal Church of Saint Clement, 1701 N Quaker Lane, Alexandria VA 22302.
Bank Draft - You can coordinate an automated bank draft with your home banking institution. Simply let them know the amount you wish to donate, the frequency of your draft (1x per week, 1x per month, 1x per quarter, etc.), our institution name: the Episcopal Church of Saint Clement, and our address: 1701 N Quaker Lane, Alexandria VA 22302.
In Person - We value most your participation and presence in our community. Contributions can be made during Sunday services during the Offertory.
Thank you for supporting our faith community and the work we do!