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Holy Week
at the Church of Saint Clement

Welcome to our Holy Week page! We look forward to you joining us during this time of reflection - to be followed by joyous celebration on Easter morning. Below you will find information about our Holy Week services.

To our delight, we have resumed in-person worship indoors (masks optional). 


Please contact the Church Office (703.998.6166 or to be added to our distribution list. 


A Prayer for Holy Week

God, as we walk through Holy Week toward the Cross,
may we remember the  wonder of who You are.

Beyond sin. Your love is inexhaustible.

Beyond brokenness. Your forgiveness is incomprehensible.

Beyond betrayal. Your grace is poured out eternally.

Beyond death. Your life is unimaginable.

Beyond human understanding. Your ways are always higher than ours.

                                                                             -Christine Sine


Palm Sunday:

Sunday of the Passion

Please join us Sunday, April 2nd at 10:00 AM

for the Liturgy of the Palms.


Palm Sunday bulletins, along with Passion Gospel Booklets, will be distributed at the service.


Holy Week

Maundy Thursday


You are invited on Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM to celebrate Holy Eucharist with us in preparation
for the


Good Friday


Please join us on Friday, April 7th at 12:00 PM
for Stations of the Cross 




7:00PM for Solemn Veneration of the Cross
with Holy Communion


Email: with questions


*Please note that masks are optional for all indoor worship at this time. 

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