Mission Highlight
Looking for ways to give within the community and to world? Our Community Outreach and Get Involved pages provide wonderful guidance. Our seasonal Mission Highlight is below; any and all support is welcome!
Back-to-School Drive! - Mid-July through August 2019
St. Clement’s time honored tradition of serving Alexandria’s children in need is here once again. Over the next few weeks, the Alexandria City’s Back-to School donation drive will be occurring. The goal is to fill NEW backpacks with NEW school supplies for each K-12 child in need, and those who attend the Alexandria Public School System. This invaluable service helps to make sure every student has the opportunity to start the school year prepared.
Suggested NEW Donations include:
Backpacks, Spiral Notebooks, Pencils/Sharpeners, Crayons, 2-Pocket Folders, Subject Dividers, Colored Pencils, Tissues, Erasers, Pencil Boxes/Zippers, Markers, Highlighters, 3-Ring Binders, Scissors/Glue/Rulers, and Wide-Ruled Filler Paper
Please place your donation in the labeled box located in MR Hall.
Are you a visitor who wants to contribute? - Please coordinate a drop-off with the Parish Office: office@saintclement.org or 703.998.6166!
You may conduct a school supply collection in your office.